L’Université York ne négociera pas son droit de recruter à l’extérieur de ses instructeurs temporaires

Classé dans : Monde syndical | 0

York University will not negotiate away its right to recruit from among the world’s most talented academics and to bring a diversity of views into the university’s classrooms, the school’s president said on the first day of a strike by part-time instructors and teaching and graduate assistants. «Any university will want to ensure that you are looking outside because you want to bring in different academic perspectives, certainly from Canada, [and] certainly from around the world», Rhonda Lenton said. One of the key outstanding issues in the dispute is the ability of long-time contract instructors to have their positions converted to tenure-track posts. Maintaining a pathway between temporary and permanent work is a way to protect instructors from being trapped in precarious work, the union representing the roughly 3,000 strikers said.

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